Hormone therapy also plays a significant role in offering the best possible results from this surgery. You may be asked to take estrogen hormone therapy for at least 12 months before undergoing breast augmentation. It results in nipple growth and breast tissue development, which ultimately helps improve this surgery’s cosmetic results.
Though breast augmentation is almost similar for trans and cisgender women, transgender women do have some special needs to consider. Transwoman has a broader chest and shoulders, so they usually require a larger implant to be proportional to the body. The nipples are also slightly lower in position, so the surgeon has to lower the natural breast crease to center the nipple over the implant.
It is a very common and safe procedure that typically takes about one to two hours to complete. It can be performed under general anesthesia or through intravenous sedation, depending on what the surgeon suggests is best.
Though both saline and silicone implants can offer somewhat similar results, silicone implants look more natural. This is essential for transwomen as they lack natural breast tissues. They can also try out implant sizers to better understand how their breasts might look and feel after surgery.
Once the anesthesia is administered, the surgeon will create an opening incision in one of these three regions:
Based on the shape of each breast and the type of the implant, the surgeon can decide to make an incision in either one of the three possible locations:
- In the breast creases at the bottom, i.e., the inframammary fold incision
- Along the vertical axillary area between the underarm and the side of the breast known as the axillary incision
- Around the nipple’s areolar edge, known as the periareolar incision
Now, the surgeon will create an empty pocket-like space between the chest muscles and the breast tissues or behind the chest muscle wall. If the implants are placed over the chest muscle wall, it is a sub-glandular placement. If they are placed under the chest wall muscle, it is a sub-muscular placement.
Once the implants are settled, the incisions are closed with sutures and skin adhering bandages. Dr. Sanghvi will guide you in every decision and observe your recovery progress to ensure that you get the safest breast augmentation in Pune, India, at our clinic.